Sisters Against Violence Everywhere was recently created as a volunteer group
by the President/Founder whose name are Buckley an concerned women around the globe, the group was establsihed on Oct.
25, 2005 under the guidance and leadership of Men & Women Foundation To Stop The Violence. Our Grand Opening celebration
was on May 28, 2005 with the assistance of District Atorney Charles J. Hynes.
Our Foundation consist of women of all walks of life, that focus on combating domestic violence and other major
issues that concerns us, throughout the five boroughs of New York City and around the world. We are also a group women who
are college students or concerned private citizens from all over the globe who want help men, women and children overcome
being a victims of domestic violence.
Sisters Against Violence Everywhere will on a volunteer basis organize
many major outdoor and indoor community events in all the five boroughs of New York City and around the world, with artists,
keynote speakers etc., who believe that violence against men, women and children is wrong outside the church.
& Women Foundation To Stop The Violence will organize many major outdoor and indoor christian community events in all
the five boroughs of New York City and around the world, with artists, keynote speakers etc., who believe that violence against
men, women and children is wrong inside of the church.
Sisters Against Violence Everywhere theme is "Reclaiming
Ground Receiving All" Our Foundation will also organize awards banquets, festivals, and fashions shows with the assistance
of well know Hip Hip Artists, celebraties, Radio Stations, and Fashion Designers and other individuals who are determined
to assist us in helping us to combat violence against men, women and children.
The foundation is and will continue
you to become a peaceful coorporation through the planning of community fundraisers, with the intention to create a domestic
violence prevention hotline, which will be connected with 911 emergency assistance, S.A.V.E which will become not only experienced
and non experienced models, but also councelors within the five boroughs of NYC and around the world, with the assistance
of local, state and the federal government so we can be able to assist any men, women or child, who is a victim of Domestic
Violence. With this hotline we will help people be aware that domestic violence exist an its time for a solution. FOR MORE INFORMATION CHECK OUT OUR COMPANY LINKS.